Peroni Nastro Azzurro 620ml
Whilst the premium beer that we know so well has only been around since 1963, the Peroni brewery has actually been around since 1846. The brand itself was born from a period of sustained growth and optimism in Italy, where ‘La Dolce Vita’ was sought after by many of the rich and famous.
£3.50 -
Desperados Red Tequila Guarana Cachaça Beer 330ml
Desperados Red, the Original Tequila Flavoured Beer, now with guarana and cachaça flavours. Tequila flavoured beer with the invigorating intensity of gurana and cachaca flavours at 5.9% ABV. Enjoy chilled, straight from the fridge. Desperados, the Original Tequila Flavoured Beer
£1.95 -
Desperados Tequila Beer 330ml
Desperados is the world’s first Tequila Flavoured Beer. A distinctive combination of full bodied lager with a boost of Tequila flavour. A light & refreshing taste profile balanced with spicy and lemony notes for sweetness.
£1.95 -
Desperados Tequila Beer 650ml
Desperados is the world’s first Tequila Flavoured Beer. A distinctive combination of full bodied lager with a boost of Tequila flavour. A light & refreshing taste profile balanced with spicy and lemony notes for sweetness.
£3.50 -