Black Cow & English Strawberries Vodka 70cl
Black Cow Vodka is the invention of West Dorset dairy farmer Jason Barber, who has a love of farming and also a personal interest in vodka. Like many of Britain’s farmers today, he wanted to diversify the produce from his 250 strong dairy herd. Then he learned about a nomadic Siberian tribe, the Tuva, who for centuries have been distilling Araka, a vodka made from fermented mare’s milk. This obscure vodka, highly revered amongst Russian connoisseurs, got Jason thinking that he could do the same with the milk from his own herd. The milk is separated, with the curd making his Trophy winning Cheddar, and the whey is fermented into a special milk beer. This is then distilled and triple filtered into this smooth, creamy, clean tasting vodka.